The game is lead by the mascot of the Macao City Clean-up Campaign “Ka Kit”. it encourage players to learn about environmental hygiene knowedage through fun-filled exciting game.
Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau "Move to Clean Up" game
The "Move to Clean Up" game is developed by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau of the Government of Macao Special Administrative Region for players to learn about environmental hygiene through fun-filled exciting and interactive settings and quizzes themed on recyclable waste collection and offences defined by the "General Regulations Governing Public Places", which are hosted by Hygiene Bobo “Ka Kit”, the mascot of the Macao City Clean-up Campaign. It is a game for the enjoyment of everyone.
The "Move to Clean Up" game provides players with both entertainment and knowledge. It is intended to promote the awareness of maintaining environmental hygiene and the importance of urban cleanliness across game players.